By digging for the gold right under your nose, you can tap into your full business potential.
As I was saying in my previous article Bridging the communication gap that limits engineering & technology firms, most websites and brochures tend to be ‘self-focused’ and not very customer-friendly or appealing. Your clients are in a different world, albeit linked to yours, with motivations and interests beyond the technical issues.
Who are they?
Your ideal clients may be the ones who appreciate your value and tell others, are willing to pay for it, take up minimal time, or give ongoing business… profitable clients… your real target market.
Let’s focus on them and screen out the ‘tyre-kickers’, unreasonable complainers, time-consumers, or people that would be better served elsewhere.
What are they really looking for? The key to your success
Let’s tap into their heartbeat and find out their real ‘hot buttons’ – needs, fears, problems,pain points, questions, interests, and hidden emotional reasons to buy.
We can find a certain amount in discussion forums or social media, but ultimately by going to the ‘horse’s mouth’ by interviewing. This can be easiest done by an objective outsider where the client can speak freely rather than saying what the business owner wants to hear.
Mining the raw gold for your marketing message
Now let’s see what assets you have to satisfy those ideal client hot buttons…
- Identify the key benefits you offer, your most valuable selling points,and unique points of difference. Can you put your finger on that real forte that sets you apart? It can be a challenge to find your USP (unique selling proposition), let alone express it concisely, but outside help can distil it. Taglines like PlaceMaker’s “Know how Can do” are short, punchy, and effective.
- Is there anything outside the square that you know or do – ‘provocative’, bold, stands out, or goes against the grain of the industry? That will catch attention – as long as it’s relevant and beneficial to your target market.
- Consider areas of your expertise and knowledge that could be presented to ‘pre-sell’ your business, like Spark’s “techinasec” technology tips. If your expertise is deep enough, there may be opportunities for selling it or even coaching/ consultancy. This “content marketing” is a growing trend.
- If you can, create a free introductory offer such as a product trial, consultation, or valuable ‘how to’ resource to entice your target audience to make that critical first contact with you.
- Case studies and testimonials, showing tangible results and highlighting your selling points, are always powerful trust-builders. An interview is usually required for this – easiest done by a third party.
- Anyone can say they are “reliable”, “superior”, “leading”, “professional”, “high quality”, or “second to none”, but this doesn’t cut the ice unless it can be proven with ‘credentials’ – a quantifiable or specific performance record, awards, reputable business partners or clients, qualifications, experience, industry association memberships, and guarantees.
- Any sponsorship or support for the community or charities also helps build clients’ trust in your business ethos.
- Find any other connecting points with your target audience outside business, such as common personal interests. If a good portion of your clients are into fishing or golf and you are too, then weave it into your ‘about us’ story.
The next step – capitalising on it
We now have the ‘gold’ as a foundation for all your marketing endeavours. It’s just a matter of how to leverage your 8 hidden assets in your marketing channels – ads, brochures, white papers, proposals, website, blog, videos, and social media