My Story

stars in galaxy shining - like spectra technical copywriting

15 years of helping ‘technical’ companies bridge their communication gap

By stepping into both their shoes and their clients’ shoes, I’ve been able to make a strong connection. It’s been a pleasure hearing stories and discovering the ‘gold’ in many companies – and then presenting this to the world.

My marketing content is designed to ‘shine’ uniquely for each company – to attract the right attention and build their brand, just like stars radiate unique bands of colours – called “spectra”.

Here’s my background story…

The ‘technical’ side

In my childhood fascination with gadgets, I wasn’t content just playing with toys – I had to pull them apart to see what made them tick.

Classic engineer!

As I grew up, I progressed onto model trains and boats, woodwork, electronics, and engines.

Student holidays broadened my ‘hands-on’ experience working for a garage, foundry, electricity authority, and builder, before starting my career in telecommunications engineering.

I was a bit of a ‘freak’ amongst my colleagues because I actually enjoyed writing stuff. They just wanted to do the research and design then move on to the next job – never mind the documentation!

The ‘people’ side

Along with a ‘technical’ bent, my creative communication side showed up at school with story writing and paintings. I also discovered that I was a bit ‘outside-the-square’, finding unique ways of doing things.

Later experience in counseling taught me to tune into where people are at – with their pain, needs, and aspirations – in order to help them move in the right direction.

I’ve also learned “effective communication and human relations” skills through a Dale Carnegie course, plus interviewing, marketing, and writing skills from an ex-TV talk show host.

This has all been valuable learning – because I know at the end of the day people do business with people.

view of trees and hills out of david frank's window of spectra technical copywriting
david frank copywriter photo

Outside interests

Variety is the spice of my life.

I love nature – see the view from my home office above. I get a lot of satisfaction from ‘hands-on’ DIY projects and landscaping around our semi-rural property. Outdoor recreation has also featured heavily over the years including skiing, trail biking, snorkelling, tramping, kayaking, and surfing.

Travel has broadened my perspective on life – around NZ, Asia, Europe, Middle East, and North America. Being a scenery junkie, I like to capture beauty on camera.

I’ve always had a soft spot for pets and animals right from childhood, but don’t have any of my own – just enjoy everyone else’s so I don’t have to look after them!

Voluntary work has also been an important part of my life – including kids/youth and pastoral/counselling ministry.