Case Study Writing Service

Build trust with your target audience by letting your clients promote you… it carries a lot more weight than blowing your own trumpet

Your client success stories in their own words are your ultimate social proof and ‘third party endorsement’

They form a pillar of your marketing, validating all your claims, and building trust for first-time enquirers. Without a prior relationship, they have nothing else to go on.

You don’t have to wait for complimentary comments from your clients to land on your plate… I can phone-interview some of them and dig deep for a captivating story:

  • In the client’s authentic and believable language – capturing their issues, motivations, and aspirations
  • Strategically highlighting your selling points and demonstrating your value
  • Brief and concise with just the ‘meat’ – to win trust and recognition, without unnecessary details of the project (of little interest to readers)
  • Catchy sub-titles to grab attention to the most potent points, with short readable paragraphs

Don’t worry, I make it really easy for them by chatting on the phone for just 15 minutes or so, and then sending them a draft for any adjustments before presenting it to you.

The ‘market intelligence’ gained from interviews can be used to write web content that touches all the right issues – making a deep connection with your prospects to maximize sales.

And another benefit… it reminds the client of all the value they’ve received from you. This magnifies goodwill and gratitude – enhancing the relationship and likelihood of referring others to you.

Have a look at the formats below to find the one that’s right for you…

Metco website case studies - copywriting