Case Study Short Format

From Uphill Stress To Easy Success

Carl Beentjes was part of a computer services franchise, but then due to ownership issues with the franchisor, branched out on his own to form “Need a Nerd Wellington”. So he had to build his own infrastructure, including a website. He found it a real challenge to make this work and generate enough business, but it’s now thriving thanks to Media Giant’s help.

Carl tells us what happened…

New Frontiers to Conquer

“I needed a new website with my own identity, but I didn’t have much idea about it, as the franchise had taken care of all that. I knew it was easy to chuck up a website and feel like you’ve achieved something, but if it doesn’t appeal to Google, you won’t get many results from it.”

SEO Demystified

“I had met Ryan some years ago at BNI and was impressed with his compelling sales presentation. So, I took my need to him and he explained what was required to achieve my goals.
Search engine optimisation (SEO) used to seem like black magic to me, but Ryan made it understandable. In my past experience, SEO/ marketing companies couldn’t explain what they were actually doing and what they were billing for. But I have a transparent relationship with Media Giant, so I know what’s happening and the results achieved.”

Delivering 44% of New Customers and 75 – 100K a Year

“We serve both commercial and residential clients, and our team is completing about five jobs a day. Two of these are coming from the website, and it’s generating 70% of our residential leads. This all adds up to about $75k to $100 k of business a year, which is great.”

From Sleepless Nights to Relaxed Days

“We used to get ‘quiet days’ or even weeks, which was a worry financially and not too good for sleep!
Now I’m so much more comfortable with the business. We’ve progressed from an uphill struggle to a ‘mature phase’ where I can focus on managing for better efficiency. This includes avoiding unbillable ‘dead time’, which used to weigh us down. We’re also outsourcing some work without having to carry extra staff.
Now I can work less – 25 to 30 hours a week instead of 45. This is really great, being able to relax in my latter working years at my time in life.”

Fruitful Collaboration

“It’s been an educational and collaborative process with Ryan, and he’s effectively shown me how I can contribute to my own business. I have confidence in my investment with him and the tangible results.

We’ve grown a strong trust relationship and become good friends.”

Need a Nerd Website on tablet, laptop, and mobile – case study copywriting