An engineering company website revamp fired up 20 times more enquiries, through client interviews, strategic writing, and fresh design
It was the most spectacular result I’ve ever seen from my copywriting – a few years ago.
NCS had been quietly solving industrial and commercial noise problems for many years, but they were struggling with the same limitation as many other ‘technical’ companies… a communication gap with a website that under-sold them.
Like many others, their website stated who they are, what they do, their products, services, and projects – but didn’t show their full value to their target market.
“It was neglected with an embarrassing ‘last updated’ date and not the marketing asset we’d like it to be” said Peter Bowerman, NCS’s sales & marketing manager.

Mining the buried treasure
I got alongside Peter to assess their target market needs, company strengths, points of difference, credentials, and competitors.
I then interviewed a few of their valued clients from different target market sectors to find out about their experiences, what they valued most about NCS, and the benefits that kept them coming back.
What transpired was the great end-to-end service they provide, taking a ‘global’ view to provide resourceful, cost-efficient, solutions – not just products. Some really interesting stories emerged of saving the client’s bacon – avoiding all sorts of trouble with delays, expensive rework, council compliance failure, and hefty contract penalties!
NCS had clearly learned a lot of lessons over the years and developed expertise that they took for granted – assuming it was obvious to others, when it wasn’t.
Making the most of it
I then drafted some ‘potent’ testimonials from the interviews to strategically highlight NCS’s selling points – in the clients’ own language. I also researched the keywords that Google searchers use to find noise control products and services.
Armed with this valuable ‘market intelligence’, I went about writing some website content, and recommending suitable images, to attract more ‘ideal’ clients.
Getting it out there
The next step was to present all this ‘treasure’ on their new website which was freshly designed by Melissa Mabey of Leaf Design to captivate the attention of their target market. Well, it certainly did… about 20-to-25 enquiries per month instead of just one per month previously – and the kind they wanted. See the Home page below and a breakdown of its key elements:
What NCS do – in a nutshell – so visitors can quickly see they’re on the right page for what they’re looking for:

Key benefits to clients – touching needs, fears, pain points, and questions:

Concise summary and promotion of their services – in neat boxes with catchy icons:

Reaching out to specific target client types – touching their unique interests and concerns – in their own terms:

Bite-sized snippets of real-world client experiences showing the stand-out benefits NCS offers:

Read another case study about a client who landed 12 projects ahead of sixty competitors
If you’d like to get your website revamped to generate better business results, feel free to contact me