Portfolio – JD Data

JD Data website home page - copywriting example

The Client

JD Data is a holistic, client-focused, database solutions company based in Wellington, New Zealand.

The Project

  • Client interviews
  • Case study writing
  • Web content writing


If you wonder why you’re overworked, stressed and frustrated doing your business admin, you’re on to something.
Your data management headache is bleeding your profits and holding your organization back.

Liberate your business and get your life back...

We work with YOU, to free YOU, so you can do the things YOU want to do, YOUR way. Because good solutions have YOU at their centre.

Make life easier and achieve your goals with an affordable database solution that ‘thinks like you’…


“If you are shooting for the stars and want to be the best you can, you need good people around you.

David is one of them. Quiet, unobtrusive, and a killer when it comes to the written word Whatever you want to say, David will find the words.

Talk about getting more than we asked for! We got some major flashes of inspiration with potent phrases expressing our points of difference to stand out in the industry. When I read through what he put together for our new website, one word described it… Wow!”

… Dominique Hawinkels, Director